Ag News Daily Podcast

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  • Business

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Jim McCormick joins us to discuss the markets for today and how prices are changing.Thank you to AgMarket.Net for sponsoring today's episode!

Dr. Katie Clevenger joins us to discuss the new disease hitting the east coast cattle herds from the Asian Longhorned tick.

Mike sits down with Max Armstrong of This Week in Agribusiness to discuss all things ranging from coronavirus, trade, planting, market prices, and John Deere.

Anne-Marie Roerink of 210 Analytics chats with us about trends in consumers with meat and produce.

Samantha DeWitt, the Co-Founder of AgVice, joins us to chat about how they are here to help producers face opposition in the industry.

Ted Seifried joins Mike in the office today to discuss all things markets and how exactly everything has been effected with the coronavirus outbreak.

Secretary John Block sits down with Delaney to chat about his time as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.

Joel Nelson chats with Mike about production and prices in Minnesota.

Leon Kolankiewicz is the Scientific Director of NumbersUSA and chatting about his study on how the urban sprawl is affecting the amount of farmable land available.

Curt Westberg, the Chief Revenue Officer of C-Lock Inc. joins us today to chat about the technology hitting the cattle industry from C-Lock Inc.Thank you to HTS Ag for sponsoring today's #TechTuesday episode!