Today is our 3rd installment of our series featuring Missouri producers and influencers. We talk today to Kylie Epperson of Vandalia, Missouri. Kylie is one half of the voices behind the Midwest Farm Wives Podcast. We speak today to Kylie about her journey from what she thought was going to be a career as a school teacher to becoming a partner with her husband in their farm operation. We also talk about Kylie's (and her partner Whitney Larson's) work in bringing light to the perspective of the farm wife, an often overlooked and unappreciated perspective. Check out Kylie and Whitney on Apple Podcasts at https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/midwest-farm-wives/id1471900461

Today we continue our series featuring Missouri Producers and Influencers. Carey Portell makes her second appearance on the podcast. We talk about her journey into public speaking. How she overcame her naturally shy and introverted personality to become one of the more sought after public speakers in Missouri. We also talk about her overcoming her battle with prescription pain medicine after her multiple surgeries following her life changing car accident. Find Carey online at http://careyportell.com/ Link to her previous episode on ASOM https://globalagnetwork.com/ag-state-of-mind-with-jason-medows/podcast/asom-ep-3-carey-portell

Today we kick off our series highlighting Missouri agriculture producers and influencers. Caroline Sicht is a farm girl from Ashland, Missouri who has taken her love for telling others about life on her family farm and turned it into a business. Caroline runs TellYourFarmStory.com, a site where she is bridging the gap between producer and consumer. We talk about her journey from a college softball player to working as an advocate for the ag industry. Caroline has become a good friend of the show and we are excited for her new podcast!!

Cynthia Martel is an extension agent with the Virginia Cooperative Extension who is taking her recent training to the farmers she serves. We talk to her about her different roles around the country from New England to the Midwest to finally settling in Virginia. One thing that is common is we are all facing struggles everywhere. You can connect with Cynthia at [email protected]. Stay tuned to the end of the show to find out an event where I will be speaking at the end of the month.

Today we welcome Jessica Peters. Jessica is a dairy farmer from Pennsylvania who has been very outspoken in her awareness of mental health in agriculture. Jess speaks openly on her social media page about the stresses involved in ag. She has begun a google document called "Our Ag Secrets" where people can anonymously leave their issues in this document. Go check Jess out on line on her Instagram page https://www.instagram.com/seejessfarm/. To access Our Ag Secrets doc click here Check out her blog on Hoard's Dairyman

Today on the show we have the pleasure of speaking to Jeff Ditzenberger. Jeff is a farmer from Wisconsin who has done some extraordinary work in helping to break the stigma surrounding mental health in ag. Jeff has battle with his mental health for a number of years now. After overcoming many issues, he has begun an outreach group to help others like him. To reach Jeff, find him on facebook or send an email to [email protected] (Apologies for the subpar audio quality. I had a bit of an issue in the initial recording.)

Today on the show we have Michelle Jones. Michelle is a wife, a mother, and a farmer from Montana. Michelle has been very open online about her struggles with her anxiety and depression. She’s taken action to help reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in ag. She has a comprehensive resource page on her website that is devoted solely to mental health. Michelle is also very active in policy serving in both the Montana Grain Growers Association and on the National Association of Wheat Growers board. We talk to her about how policies are affecting the attitudes in rural America. Go check Michelle out online at bigskyfarmher.com

Ben Gotschall is a dairy farmer from Nebraska. We discuss the different anxieties that come from farming full time vs splitting the time between a town job and the farm. We also speak about the stresses facing the dairy industry. Check out Ben at https://holtcreekjerseys.com.

Today Jason speaks to Dave Pratt, CEO Emeritus of Ranch Management Consultants, the company that puts on the Ranching for Profit (RFP) schools. RFP helps its graduates find the breakthroughs that will improve the health and productivity of their ranches, the profitability of your business and the quality of their lives. Jason and Dave talks about the importance of asking why in ranching business. They speak about how the ranch operation should serve those who work and own it. That having a good quality of life should be of utmost importance to any ranching operation. Dave’s teachings have been a huge influence on our mission here at ASoM, so today’s episode is very special. Link to Dave's book Healthy Land, Happy Families, and Profitable Businesses. https://www.amazon.com/Healthy-Happy-Families-Profitable-Businesses/dp/0991063406Mentioned in this Podcast: Savory Institute. https://www.savory.global/E-Myth Revisted: https://www.amazon.com/Myth-Revisited-Small-Businesses-About/dp/0887307280

Greetings everyone! Just a short solo episode this week discussing the importance of gratitude. A short conversation I had with a mom a few weeks ago sparked some serious introspect and thought about gratitude. Gratitude is one of the strongest feelings that one can feel throughout their day. It was gratitude that helped get me through a very stressful week!