We return with Jehovah's Witnesses and entries straight out of the Urban Dictionary. Listener discretion is not only encouraged, it's strongly recommended. We actually beg you to.

There were certain things in the wild West you just couldn't unsee. And this episode you won't be able to unhear, so keep the kids away from the volume.

This week Brent and Ashtyn go over each state's "worst attraction". We skip over Texas, because, you know, Texas doesn't suck at anything.

This week the panel goes through a list that assigns each state their best quality and what they're know for. It's really not that impressive. And the first ever forecast from an unlikely source! Well, it's pretty likely actually.

We try to talk about a group of teachers protesting a return to school, but we become more interested in talking about our junior high showers and how each of us will die.

Brent gets into it with people on Facebook by defending the honor of the Rangers' new stadium. Landon mocks. And Ashtyn talks about Kanye.

If you get light a fart on fire and it smelled like lemon, would anyone smell it? Yeah, that line makes as much sense as trying to get cows to toot less.

You can grow your own baby now without the icky job of carrying it around for nine months. Hey Ladies! We also cover a high speed chase once again occurring in Deaf Smith County!

Ashtyn joins us this week to talk Netflix and then somehow we devolve into marriage talk. Yeah, we were surprised too.

May God forgive us, we had the hosts of The No Sh#t Show on this week and the bleep button started to smoke. Regardless of what Conrad says, he's grumpy, and Michelle is really nice.