Global Ag Network

All of the greatest podcasts you'll ever need

This is the greatest collection of agricultural related podcasts. Your earbuds can't even comprehend it!

Featured Podcasts

Ag News Daily Podcast

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Working Cows Podcast

Tune in with Clay Conry, a western South Dakota native, as he provides a platform for producers to discuss paradigm challenging practices in the cattle industry.

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Girls Talk Ag Podcast

Girls Talk Ag features Jennifer Campbell, a farmer and blogger, Karen Corrigan, an independent agronomist and business owner, and Kelsey Litchfield, an agriculture digital media consultant. With their perfect mix of experience and personality, the girls get together to discuss what’s currently on in...

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The Dryline Farmer Podcast

A weekly podcast with an aim to entertain its audience with an on-the-fly comedy and commentary style of production.

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Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

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Ag State of Mind

ASoM focuses on mental health and how it affects those of us involved in agriculture. I will hold conversations with both professionals and producers about addressing mental health in ag and how we can adequately remedy the stresses.

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The Millennial Ag Podcast

The Millennial Ag Podcast is the brainchild of Katharine Lotspeich, a Utah dairy farmer, and Valene Lickley, a 5th generation beef rancher from southern Idaho. Both passionate agriculturists from very different backgrounds, we realized our diverse perspectives could play a role in helping to widen a...

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The Ag Queen Podcast

In the Ag Queen Podcast, you will hear from the movers and shakers that are shaping the agriculture industry.

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Ag on Tap

Husband and wife ag radio personalities Sabrina and Rusty Halvorson team up in this upbeat, fun, and informative show about unique ag stories. Together, they get answers to questions others are afraid to ask. Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? How many apples are in a pint of cider? Are alpacas hugga...

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Midwest Farm Wives

Grab your beverage of choice and hang out with Whitney and Kylie, your farm wife besties, on their bi-weekly podcast where they chat about midwest farm life, motherhood, rural living, plus so much more.

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Global Ag Network - Podcasts

Season2, Ep. 5: Stocking Density & General Mortality

  • Oct 4, 2021
Dr. Chris Rademacher, Clinical Professor at ISU college of Vet Medicine and Associate Director, Iowa Pork Industry Center, and Dr. Steve Pollman of DSP Consulting join the PigX podcast for a two part conversation! In part one, we introduce our guests and their work, identify industry changes, and post-weaning mortality. Tune in next month for part two!


Ag Queen Podcast | Ted McKinney, National Association of State Departments of Ag | Episode 19

  • Oct 4, 2021
In today’s show is an exciting interview with Ted McKinney, the new Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of State Departments of Agriculture. He will lead NASDA in amplifying the voice of state departments of agriculture in Washington, D.C., seeking policy solutions for our food system and expanding and deepening NASDA’s partnerships. Today we recap their annual meeting and talk about important ag issues including trade, Waters of the U.S., barge backups and much more. McKinney most recently served as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs. He led the development and implementation of the department’s trade policy, facilitated foreign market access, and promoted opportunities for U.S. agriculture through various trade programs and high-level government negotiations. Prior to USDA, McKinney held the position of Director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, and during his time as a NASDA member, he served on multiple committees for the NASDA Foundation. He also brings over 30 years of experience to NASDA from agriculture’s private industry, including 19 years of experience from NASDA’s partner Dow AgroSciences (now Corteva Agriscience) and 14 years from NASDA’s partner Elanco Animal Health. Prior to his career in agriculture, McKinney grew up on a family farm in Tipton, Indiana.Chief Executive Officer, Ted McKinney as Chief Executive Officer. He will lead NASDA in amplifying the voice of state departments of agriculture in Washington, D.C., seeking policy solutions for our food system and expanding and deepening NASDA’s partnerships.McKinney most recently served as the U.S. Department of Agriculture Under Secretary for Trade and Foreign Agricultural Affairs. He led the development and implementation of the department’s trade policy, facilitated foreign market access, and promoted opportunities for U.S. agriculture through various trade programs and high-level government negotiations. Prior to USDA, McKinney held the position of Director of the Indiana State Department of Agriculture, and during his time as a NASDA member, he served on multiple committees for the NASDA Foundation. He also brings over 30 years of experience to NASDA from agriculture’s private industry, including 19 years of experience from NASDA’s partner Dow AgroSciences (now Corteva Agriscience) and 14 years from NASDA’s partner Elanco Animal Health. Prior to his career in agriculture, McKinney grew up on a family farm in Tipton, Indiana.


ASOM - Ep 106 - Nicole Rodriguez - Sober October Week 1

  • Oct 4, 2021
Greetings and welcome to our Sober October. This month, we are going to be focusing on the benefits of abstaining from not only alcohol but many other things in our lives that are not serving us. As many of you know, I have been very candid and open about my sobriety and the effects that it has had on my life. We start off this month by talking to one of my favorite people in the world Nicole Rodriguez. If you are following along, you'll remember that we spoke to Nicole earlier this year. On that episode, we both wanted to chat about the benefits of abstaining from alcohol, but we ran out of time. Well, today we pick up where we left off and have the chat of how abstaining from alcohol for even just a short time can be so beneficial to our lives. I am so thankful for Nicole and her friendship and willingness to have this conversation on this podcast. I also encourage you to follow her on Instagram where she always has outstanding content. Find Nicole's website here.


Sunflowers and Sweethearts

  • Oct 3, 2021
Have you ever wondered what it takes to grow sunflowers? Have you ever wondered why a Californian would move to North Dakota? In this episode of Ag on Tap, the Halvorsons talk with the Rohrichs about those things and more. Jenny Rohrich is known online as The Prairie Californian and Mark Rohrich goes by the handle Sunflower Farmer. Mark shares some of the ups and downs of growing sunflowers and Jenny talks about the drastic move from California to North Dakota and how she's turned her experiences into a popular blog and social media presence. The Rohrich's love story sounds very familiar to the Halvorsons!


Tar Spot and Tik Tok

  • Oct 1, 2021
Corey Hillebo, farmer and social media influencer, joins us to celebrate #FriYAY! Corey talks to us about what he is seeing in the fields as he is harvesting himself. We also chat about juggling the work of farming, podcasting, and social media.


Ackerman Family Farms

  • Sep 30, 2021
John Ackerman of Ackerman Family Farms joins us for another fall themed episode!


Episode 103 - Katharine Nerds Out About Milk Quality

  • Sep 30, 2021
This week, it's just the girls! Val (bless her heart) loves listening to Katharine nerd out about milk quality so we decided to bring the same nerdy love to you this week! Katharine talks about the ins and outs of milk quality, and why the consuming public can be secure in knowing that America's dairy producers work hard to bring the safest, purest, most delicious dairy products to market every day!


2 YEAR Anniversary

  • Sep 30, 2021
Today is a very special episode of the Ag State of Mind Podcast. Today is the 2 year anniversary of ASOM. This is more of a discussion/webinar/roundtable/meeting of friends than a podcast. Over the last 2 years, the podcast has afforded me the opportunity to connect and befriend lots of amazing people. Today, I get a sit down with 5 of the closest of those friends. Nathan Brown, Henry Roberts, Jeff Ditzenberger, Tyler Keckley, and Quentin Conneally are some of the best guys I know. We sit down and talk about all things mental health in ag as well as what it means to be a father. What an incredible conversation this was and I feel very proud to be a part of this great group of guys.



  • Sep 29, 2021
Amanda Nigg, otherwise known as the muscle behind FarmFitMomma, is on to talk about the importance of mental and physical health on the farm.


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