Global Ag Network

All of the greatest podcasts you'll ever need

This is the greatest collection of agricultural related podcasts. Your earbuds can't even comprehend it!

Featured Podcasts

Ag News Daily Podcast

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Working Cows Podcast

Tune in with Clay Conry, a western South Dakota native, as he provides a platform for producers to discuss paradigm challenging practices in the cattle industry.

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Girls Talk Ag Podcast

Girls Talk Ag features Jennifer Campbell, a farmer and blogger, Karen Corrigan, an independent agronomist and business owner, and Kelsey Litchfield, an agriculture digital media consultant. With their perfect mix of experience and personality, the girls get together to discuss what’s currently on in...

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The Dryline Farmer Podcast

A weekly podcast with an aim to entertain its audience with an on-the-fly comedy and commentary style of production.

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Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

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Ag State of Mind

ASoM focuses on mental health and how it affects those of us involved in agriculture. I will hold conversations with both professionals and producers about addressing mental health in ag and how we can adequately remedy the stresses.

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The Millennial Ag Podcast

The Millennial Ag Podcast is the brainchild of Katharine Lotspeich, a Utah dairy farmer, and Valene Lickley, a 5th generation beef rancher from southern Idaho. Both passionate agriculturists from very different backgrounds, we realized our diverse perspectives could play a role in helping to widen a...

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The Ag Queen Podcast

In the Ag Queen Podcast, you will hear from the movers and shakers that are shaping the agriculture industry.

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Ag on Tap

Husband and wife ag radio personalities Sabrina and Rusty Halvorson team up in this upbeat, fun, and informative show about unique ag stories. Together, they get answers to questions others are afraid to ask. Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? How many apples are in a pint of cider? Are alpacas hugga...

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Midwest Farm Wives

Grab your beverage of choice and hang out with Whitney and Kylie, your farm wife besties, on their bi-weekly podcast where they chat about midwest farm life, motherhood, rural living, plus so much more.

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Global Ag Network - Podcasts

Ag Queen Podcast | Episode 9 | Livestock Marketing Association

  • Aug 3, 2021
In today’s show, learn more about the Livestock Marketing Association with the Vice President of Government and Industry Affairs and Legal, Chelsea Good. Good talks about what the LMA does and how they serve the cattle industry in many different areas. According to the LMA website, they have a long history of serving the industry from the early 1800s until now. They provide legal assistance, policy representation, industry information, credit reporting, business services, and insurance products. They also host the annual World Livestock Auctioneer Championship, the largest, most-respected and widely recognized international livestock auctioneering contest.


#MarketMonday with Naomi Blohm

  • Aug 2, 2021
Happy #MarketMonday! Naomi Blohm of Total Farm Marketing is back for yet another market conversation. This week, market newbies Ashtyn and Dawson talk to Naomi about last week's wheat tour, AFS in the Dominican Republic, and optimism in livestock contracts.


Season 2, Ep. 3: Transport Losses

  • Aug 2, 2021
Dr. Matt Ritter, Cargill Director of Technical Services, and Dr. Anna Johnson, Professor of Animal Behavior and Welfare at Iowa State University, join the PigX podcast to talk about transport losses. From animal care to employee management, there are multiple parts and pieces to animal losses during the transportation process.


ASOM - Ep 97 - Michael DeSa - Vets In Ag (Part 1)

  • Aug 1, 2021
Today we kick off August just a little bit different with a 2 part interview with my friend Michael DeSa of the Vets in Ag podcast. In part one we talk about Mike’s beginnings. How he did not grow up in ag and how his interest was piqued while studying at Texas A& M. Then we chat about his military career and how the lessons learned from service are so applicable to agriculture and the lifestyle within. Next week we go a little deeper and it the tables turned a bit to where Mike began impromptu interviewing me. A really cool episode with an incredible guy. Go check out his work and find his podcast at


Waiting for Rain

  • Jul 30, 2021
Eric Snodgrass of Nutrien Ag Solutions is catching up with us this FriYAY! Eric gives us the weather 4-1-1. Tune in to hear more on what conditions we can expect in the coming days.


Episode 094 - Farming Flowers with Erica Louder

  • Jul 29, 2021
Who doesn't love a fresh bouquet of flowers? Erica Louder joins us this week to share how she started Cowgirl Flower Farm ( and what it takes to farm flowers. It is a lot more than rows of beautiful colors and smells. She explains why she chose flowers over other crops, what harvest looks like, how she gets them to market and so much more! Erica also shares how she is involved in the local Farm Bureau and how life isn't necessarily about balance but about priority. Tune into this fun filled/educational episode!


Updates From the Ethanol Industry

  • Jul 29, 2021
Brian Jennings, CEO of the American Coalition for Ethanol, gives us a glance at what's been going on in the ethanol industry. From legislation to pandemic assistance, we got you covered.


Labor in Ag: Jen Sorenson

  • Jul 28, 2021
Jen Sorenson, President of NPPC, is the first guest on our labor in agriculture mini series! We sat down with Jen at WPX to talk about H2A visas, quality labor, the effects of COVID-19, and more.


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