Global Ag Network

All of the greatest podcasts you'll ever need

This is the greatest collection of agricultural related podcasts. Your earbuds can't even comprehend it!

Featured Podcasts

Ag News Daily Podcast

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Working Cows Podcast

Tune in with Clay Conry, a western South Dakota native, as he provides a platform for producers to discuss paradigm challenging practices in the cattle industry.

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Girls Talk Ag Podcast

Girls Talk Ag features Jennifer Campbell, a farmer and blogger, Karen Corrigan, an independent agronomist and business owner, and Kelsey Litchfield, an agriculture digital media consultant. With their perfect mix of experience and personality, the girls get together to discuss what’s currently on in...

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The Dryline Farmer Podcast

A weekly podcast with an aim to entertain its audience with an on-the-fly comedy and commentary style of production.

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Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

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Ag State of Mind

ASoM focuses on mental health and how it affects those of us involved in agriculture. I will hold conversations with both professionals and producers about addressing mental health in ag and how we can adequately remedy the stresses.

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The Millennial Ag Podcast

The Millennial Ag Podcast is the brainchild of Katharine Lotspeich, a Utah dairy farmer, and Valene Lickley, a 5th generation beef rancher from southern Idaho. Both passionate agriculturists from very different backgrounds, we realized our diverse perspectives could play a role in helping to widen a...

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The Ag Queen Podcast

In the Ag Queen Podcast, you will hear from the movers and shakers that are shaping the agriculture industry.

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Ag on Tap

Husband and wife ag radio personalities Sabrina and Rusty Halvorson team up in this upbeat, fun, and informative show about unique ag stories. Together, they get answers to questions others are afraid to ask. Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? How many apples are in a pint of cider? Are alpacas hugga...

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Midwest Farm Wives

Grab your beverage of choice and hang out with Whitney and Kylie, your farm wife besties, on their bi-weekly podcast where they chat about midwest farm life, motherhood, rural living, plus so much more.

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Global Ag Network - Podcasts

Proposition 12 Implications

  • Jun 15, 2021
Michael Formica, Assistant Vice President and General Counsel at NPPC, sat down with us at WPX to discuss Proposition 12. Tune in to hear more about what Prop 12 would do to the industry and what NPPC is doing to take action.


#MarketMonday with Tommy Grisafi

  • Jun 14, 2021
Tommy Grisafi joins us for this #MarketMonday episode! Along with Tommy, we discuss the EPA news and its impact on the market, new crop corn, the home market, and more.


Ep. 194 - Austin Troyer - Grazing Reclaimed Mine Land

  • Jun 14, 2021
Austin Troyer is a first generation rancher in Ohio. He and his wife have gotten their start by finding undervalued land and putting the work in to make it usable. We talk about the process of obtaining these leases as well as getting them ready for livestock and finding the right class of livestock to take advantage of the topography and forage.


ASOM - Ep 90 - Diversity

  • Jun 14, 2021
I feel like diversity is a word that gets thrown around a lot without really getting down to its core meaning. Diversity should come in all forms. We should be willing to surround ourselves with people who think a little bit differently than us so we are not living in an echo chamber. Within agriculture, there is so much nuance and subtle differneces in the way we practice and how we operate in our individual lives that it should be celebrated... not used as a point of contention. I chat also about diversifying our own lives. This episode was influenced by a couple of Instagram posts from a couple of great gals... Kylie Epperson (@thegratefulfarmwife) and Kathryn Mentzer (@everydayillinoisfarmfamily)


#49. The one where we grow slow.

  • Jun 12, 2021
Hi welcome back! We are SO thankful you are here. We chat with the grow slow guru Jennifer Dukes Lee, author and farm mom of the book Growing Slow. It seems impossible in the Ag industry and as a Mother busy kids and homes and farms. But the feelings of a rushed heart are not ones of ideal health and wellness. You know the warm feeling over your body and the heart racing? Yep a hurried heart. We have them too friends. You can find her on Facebook and Instagram @jenniferdukeslee Purchase her book here: Have a great day and stay grateful. Also please excuse the issues of rural internet. A few areas lag and to be honest we just rolled with it. Thanks for your grace and understanding!


The Status of AFS with SHIC

  • Jun 11, 2021
Dr. Paul Sundberg of the Swine Health Information Center (SHIC) sat down with us at WPX to discuss the states of AFS.


Ep. 193 - Greg Christiansen - Incorporating Goats in a Commercial Operation

  • Jun 11, 2021
Greg Christiansen of Grandview Livestock in Eastern Kansas joined me to discuss the benefits and challenges of incorporating goats and sheep into a commercial cattle operation. We talk about how goats are good for land than trends toward brush as well as the opportunities that exist to incorporate goats into land that is currently only being grazed by cattle.


Sow Management with Novus International

  • Jun 10, 2021
Paul Faris, Swine Account Manager from Novus International, is our first feature from World Pork Expo! We sat down with Paul to discuss all things sow management. From milk production to confinement to nutrition, we cover all the bases!


Episode 087 - JBS Cyber Attack with Dr. Derrell Peel

  • Jun 10, 2021
This week, we're pleased to be joined by Dr. Derrell Peel, an ag economist and professor at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Peel gives us an overview of what happened when JBS was the victim of a cyber attack in the first week of June, what it means for the company and the beef sector as a whole, and what we can expect moving forward. Don't miss this episode with a highly knowledgeable guest with great information.


Talking Cattle at World Pork Expo

  • Jun 9, 2021
Even though we recording live from World Pork Expo, we're talking about cattle with Scott Brown. Scott joins us to talk about drought, capacity, feed costs, and more! Tune in to hear about what's been hitting the cattle market.


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