Global Ag Network

All of the greatest podcasts you'll ever need

This is the greatest collection of agricultural related podcasts. Your earbuds can't even comprehend it!

Featured Podcasts

Ag News Daily Podcast

The Ag News Daily podcast is compilation of the latest agricultural news in one convenient 30 minute talk show styled run down. Combined with fascinating interviews from folks all across the industry, the AND podcast aims to be your daily dose of agricultural news!

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Working Cows Podcast

Tune in with Clay Conry, a western South Dakota native, as he provides a platform for producers to discuss paradigm challenging practices in the cattle industry.

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Girls Talk Ag Podcast

Girls Talk Ag features Jennifer Campbell, a farmer and blogger, Karen Corrigan, an independent agronomist and business owner, and Kelsey Litchfield, an agriculture digital media consultant. With their perfect mix of experience and personality, the girls get together to discuss what’s currently on in...

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The Dryline Farmer Podcast

A weekly podcast with an aim to entertain its audience with an on-the-fly comedy and commentary style of production.

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Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

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Ag State of Mind

ASoM focuses on mental health and how it affects those of us involved in agriculture. I will hold conversations with both professionals and producers about addressing mental health in ag and how we can adequately remedy the stresses.

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The Millennial Ag Podcast

The Millennial Ag Podcast is the brainchild of Katharine Lotspeich, a Utah dairy farmer, and Valene Lickley, a 5th generation beef rancher from southern Idaho. Both passionate agriculturists from very different backgrounds, we realized our diverse perspectives could play a role in helping to widen a...

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The Ag Queen Podcast

In the Ag Queen Podcast, you will hear from the movers and shakers that are shaping the agriculture industry.

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Ag on Tap

Husband and wife ag radio personalities Sabrina and Rusty Halvorson team up in this upbeat, fun, and informative show about unique ag stories. Together, they get answers to questions others are afraid to ask. Why are pumpkins so hard to grow? How many apples are in a pint of cider? Are alpacas hugga...

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Midwest Farm Wives

Grab your beverage of choice and hang out with Whitney and Kylie, your farm wife besties, on their bi-weekly podcast where they chat about midwest farm life, motherhood, rural living, plus so much more.

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Global Ag Network - Podcasts

30 Under 30: Zane Peterson

  • Mar 26, 2021
Zane Peterson is here to celebrate #FriYAY and our fifth episode of our AgGrad 30 Under 30 series. Tune in to hear more about Zane and Peterson Timber.


Beef Tips 5 - Stockmanship/Low Stress while working cows

  • Mar 26, 2021
Over the past couple of years, lots of things have changed around our home operation. One of the biggest things to change is how we handle our cattle when it comes time to work them. By instilling a few different tactics and attitudes, we have made working cattle a more positive, less stressful event at our place.


#44. The one where we answer your questions.

  • Mar 25, 2021
You asked we answered! Some fun ones and some hard ones to discuss, listen as Kylie and Whit answer 20 questions, chat about life and even discuss how we dont have dreams. Crazy huh? But that is both of our current struggle. We hope you can relate in some way, and if you do would ya mind shouting us out and sharing our podcast with others? Those reviews and listens keep us relevant in the podcast world and helps others find us. We so appreciate you all listening and hope you are surviving whatever season you are in!


Episode 076 - Meat IN: Agriculture Came Together for a Common Cause

  • Mar 24, 2021
This week, Val and Katharine discuss the epic come together the livestock industry saw this past weekend in response to Colorado's Governor Polis' "Meat Out" proclamation supporting a vegan diet. What started in Colorado swept around the country as farmers and ranchers and their supporters gathered together for a "Meat In" day. It was an incredible example of what can happen when agriculture joins together to accomplish a common goal. We need this kind of effort now more than ever as continuing attacks on agriculture threaten livelihoods and the food system.


Words from Secretary Tom Vilsack Pt. 1

  • Mar 24, 2021
In a NAFB call earlier today, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack shed some light on where we are in the agriculture industry. Secretary Vilsack discussed COVID-19 relief packages, CCC and carbon credits, diversity, and more. Tune in to part one now! Then come back tomorrow for part two.


#TechTuesday All About Carbon

  • Mar 23, 2021
This is a special edition of #TechTuesday. We are featuring part one of a summit session from Agri-Pulse's Ag and Food Policy Summit. This one is all about carbon credits and sequestration. How are we going to measure it? Tune in to find out.


#MarketMonday with Elaine Kub and Naomi Blohm

  • Mar 22, 2021
Almost four years to the date, we have Elaine Kub and Naomi Blohm BACK on the podcast for #MarketMonday! Elaine and Naomi were our very first guests on the podcast. It only felt right having them on to celebrate our fourth birthday. Tune in to hear us reminisce and, of course, talk about markets.


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