We've been here before. Direct Action Everywhere (DXE) is hosting a rally in Denver to protest and try to shut down slaughterhouses. Millennial Ag has covered such activism before, and so we bring you our previous work on how activists are trying to sabotage and ultimately shut down production animal agriculture. Watch out animal ag. They're coming for us.

This week, we're pleased to be joined by Dr. Derrell Peel, an ag economist and professor at Oklahoma State University. Dr. Peel gives us an overview of what happened when JBS was the victim of a cyber attack in the first week of June, what it means for the company and the beef sector as a whole, and what we can expect moving forward. Don't miss this episode with a highly knowledgeable guest with great information.

This week, we discuss what June Dairy Month means to the industry and to consumers. Tune in to listen to our comments, and to find out what our favorite dairy treats are! What are yours? Let us know in the comments! Cheers to June Dairy Month!

This week, we’re thrilled to be joined by Brandi Buzzard, creator at the blog Buzzard’s Beat. Recently, recipe magazine Epicurious announced that they would no longer be featuring recipes with meat, particularly beef, in order to focus attention on what they called livestock’s large contribution to climate change and greenhouse emissions. Brandi walks us through why this is nonsense, accompanied by her straight-shooting commentary about how all of agriculture, regardless of sector, can contribute to our positive effects on the climate and our surrounding communities. Don’t miss this straight-talk episode with a one of a kind guest.

Have you ever wondered what would happen if you just...DID the thing? Let the excuses go, no holds barred, and dove straight into something? Whatever it may be - weight loss, starting a business, becoming an astronaut....let your dreams take hold and steer? Kiah Twisselman did just that...and she changed her life. Kiah is a generational ranch lady from California (yes, really), life coach, and beef advocate extraordinaire. Two years ago, she said to hell with the excuses that were holding her back in her life, and made some radical changes. Tune in to this episode to hear exactly where it all started but be ready for one wild ride - she's smart, she's funny, she's sassy, and she's exactly what this world needs right now. She talks about love - for yourself and for whatever you're passionate about (hey, agriculture!) and how the first must happen in order for the second to truly fly. She's warm, inspiring, and the friend you need for whatever challenge you're staring in the face right now. We're so excited to welcome this rockstar to the show, and even more excited for you to listen to her. You can find Kiah at www.coachkiah.com Follow Millennial Ag online: www.millennialag.com www.facebook.com/millennialag www.instagram.com/millennial_ag www.twitter.com/millennial_ag

This week, we're joined by Delaney Howell and Ashtyn Carr. Cohosts of the Ag Daily Podcast and the brains behind the Global Ag Network, the ladies share with us how the Network came to be and what their daily podcast focuses on. Tune in to learn about these incredible women and all the balls they keep in the air daily.

This week, we talk about self care and giving ourselves grace, especially when it seems hardest. In honor of May Mental Health Month, we discuss how self-talk impacts our mental health, and how to give ourselves grace, even when it seems hardest. Follow Millennial Ag online:www.millennialag.comwww.facebook.com/millennialagwww.instagram.com/millennial_agwww.twitter.com/millennial_ag

This week, we're joined by guest JC Olson, with Scoular. JC walks us through the new technology his company has developed and is working to take mainstream by being able to capture protein in barley. This episode is packed with new information and exciting advances in the animal feed and byproduct space. Don't miss it! Follow Millennial Ag online: www.millennialag.com www.facebook.com/millennialag www.instagram.com/millennial_ag www.twitter.com/millennial_ag

This week, we are excited to be joined by a huge champion for agriculture, Idaho Governor Brad Little. Governor Little comes from an agriculture background, and knows what he's talking about. He's excited about all the opportunities agriculture is seeing in the state, and even more vocal about how young people are key to some of the changes coming. He even says that Millennials get a bad rap (!!!) and sheds some light on why he thinks that. Join us for a fun conversation with an engaging guest. Follow Millennial Ag online:www.millennialag.comwww.facebook.com/millennialagwww.instagram.com/millennial_agwww.twitter.com/millennial_ag

This week, we were honored to be joined by Dr. Nora Feldpausch, a board certified psychiatrist, mom, and dairywoman. Nora has many years of experience helping people through their mental health journeys. She lays out what mental illness really is and maybe more importantly, what it isn’t. She shares how we can help ourselves and each other (hint: grace), how compassion for self and others is the key to navigating mental health struggles, and brings love and joy to a topic that can be very hard to talk openly about. She talks about how important it is to build a team of professionals while you’re seeking help for mental health challenges, and breaks down what each of those professionals looks like. Dr. Feldpausch hits this episode out of the park, and we’re so excited to bring this third installment in our rural mental health series to you. Dr. Feldpausch shared the following resources for those seeking help with mental health:https://www.nami.org/About-NAMI National Alliance on Mental Illness - this is a great place to start if you want more info on support for yourself or a loved one who is suffering with a mental illness - lots of links to good information on diagnosis, treatment and support.https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ 1-800-273-TALK National Suicide Prevention Lifeline - they also have a link to chat online on their website.www.SAMSHA.govSAMHSA Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - is a good place to start if you are looking for statistics/information on mental illness.https://www.samhsa.gov/data/report/2020-national-directory-mental-health-treatment-facilities This is a list of federal, state and local public and private facilities that provide mental health treatment.https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/cdhs/find-behavioral-health-help a link to state of Colorado behavioral health resources/services - something similar exists in all states - consider going to your state website and searching for "behavioral health".