Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing. Join extension specialists and swine industry experts as they engage in conversations aimed to help producers succeed in raising healthy pigs. PigX is a national podcast hosted by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University.

What does the PRRS Virus and Biosecurity have in common? Well, quite a lot actually. Cesar Moura, a PhD student at Iowa State University, and Dr. Jeff Blythe, a veterinarian for Pipestone Systems, share how the two subjects are connected on this episode of the PigX Podcast.

Aiming to reduce pig mortality in the nursery can certainly be a challenge, so this episode features a discussion between two industry experts: Dr. Marlin Hoogland a veterinarian for Smithfield; and Dr. Tim Loula a veterinarian for Swine Vet Center. One of the biggest takeaways from both vets: read the pig! This episode features a ton of great topics including: Keys to starting piglets in the nursery Successes to Weaning, Transportation, Barn Management, and other stages of a piglets lifeReceiving pigs to new barnsRecommendations for helping pigs find feed & waterSetting up a barn for maximum success Key Takeaways from Dr. Loula & Dr. Hoogland's experience

Welcome to Episode 2 of the PigX Podcast! Episode 2 focuses on Colostrum management and intake with Dr. Kara Stewart of Purdue University. Colostrum, also known as the first milk , has the ability to drastically alter a pigs ability to survive, and thrive. Through her role with this grant, Dr. Stewart's research is working to identify colostrum markers in piglets, and find new ways to help piglets survive and thrive. Mark your calendars for the first Monday of each month to catch up on the latest podcast, all focused around improving swine mortality. Check out more on the project at PigX: Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing.

Welcome to Episode 1 of the PigX Podcast! In today's episode we hear from multiple guests of the project to find the what, and why behind the project as well as learn more about the goal's of the PigX podcast. Mark your calendars for the first Monday of each month to catch up on the latest podcast, all focused around improving swine mortality. Check out more on the project at PigX: Ideas in the swine industry worth sharing.

The PigX podcast is launching soon! In the meantime, subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify or wherever you find your podcasts.