We’re halfway into January and by now, New Year’s resolutions are faltering, commitment to change is fading, and Oreos have replaced celery in your weekly meal planning (not that we’re judging that move.) This week, Millennial Ag discusses complacency and the dangers and serious threats it poses to agriculture. A few surprise companies are highlighted, and Katharine and Valene bring some real-life strategies to the show on how to combat complacency.

Do the Golden Globes ring a bell? The annual awards ceremony was this past week, and you may have heard about the big dust-up regarding what the celebrities ate. Yep, they went vegan. As you might imagine, the animal ag industry had something to say about this turn of events. Katharine and Valene recap the controversy and agriculture’s response, and then dig a little deeper into the issue behind the issue: the unwillingness of urban populations and societal “elite” to make lasting lifestyle changes that align with the agendas they claim to support. It’s easy to show up to an awards show that’s touting its vegan offerings as sustainable and environmentally friendly. It’s a whole lot harder to commit to lasting lifestyle changes that maybe aren’t as sexy. Tune in this week with Millennial Ag to get the full scope.

In their 2020 kickoff episode, Katharine and Valene reflect on 2019 and dive into goal setting techniques and some tweaks they've found helpful in the past. They also share their goals for Millennial Ag (hint: it includes you!!) as well as a personal goal they plan to accomplish this year. What are your goals for 2020? Tell us in the comments, on social media, or send us an e-mail at [email protected].

This week we keep it short and sweet. Millennial Ag presents our own Twelve Days of Christmas and some reflections on the season. We wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas and can't wait to welcome you back to 2020.

Valene and Katharine have a table conversation with five millennial consumers who have little to no ties to agriculture. They dive into buzz words like sustainability and natural, discuss buying choices, and their preference when it comes to grocery shopping. You don’t want to miss this episode! Pull up a chair, maybe pour a beer (if you are of age) and push play!

Cole Lickley talks with Millennial Ag about being a millennial Risk Management Consultant and what Risk Management is within agriculture. With the complexity of the markets, Cole shares conflicts he sees within agricultural and the potential to over come those conflicts. Tune in this week to learn how you can reduce your risk on your operation.

Damian Mason joins Valene and Katharine this week to talk about his latest book Food Fear. Damian is an author, public speaker, and podcaster. Through humor, some tough love and a lot of reality, Damian explains the cause of Food Fear and the dinner conversations we need to start having. He recommends you purchase 2 copies of his book, one for your self and one for your friend or relative that needs to hear the Facts!

Happy Thanksgiving Week! Valene and Katharine briefly talking about Thanksgiving traditions and things they are thankful for this holiday season. We wish all our listeners a Happy, Safe and Warm Thanksgiving!! Tune in next week for a full episode!

This week Ryan Steele, a third generational stockman and Idaho Cattle Association Board member, sits down with Valene and Katharine to discuss his family's succession planning, technology implementations on his operations, issues he sees in the agricultural industry and how millennials can take the next step into getting involved in agriculture. Tune into this episode to learn more about Ryan and his feedyard operation!

This week, Valene had the opportunity to attend the Idaho Cattle Association Convention, and was able to catch up with a rising agriculture advocate and BEEF Daily blogger, Amanda Radke. She shares about her ranching operation, her writing and blogging adventures, and dives into how her open letter to Ellen DeGeneres went viral. Amanda, Valene, and Katharine discuss how not to let the haters bring you down while going through trying times. Amanda is a shining light in what can seem like a pretty tough industry right now. Tune in to this week’s episode of the Millennial Ag Podcast to hear her take on everything from the humanization of animals to positive agriculture communication!