This week, Valene and Katharine tackle the controversial topic of mandatory country of origin labeling (MCOOL). MCOOL has been back in the news recently, but the hype you’ve heard is just that - hype. Valene and Katharine discuss the background on the movement, and how implementation of this law could backfire on American agriculture. They also ask the question, “How do we approach emotional topics with facts, and still have an entertaining conversation?”

This week, Katharine and Valene welcome two very special guests to the podcast: two current FFA members competing this week at the 92nd National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN. Platte Valley FFA members Kassi Shoemaker and Collin Ochsner talk with us about their competitions (Extemporaneous Public Speaking for Kassi and Creed Speaking for Collin), what they’re most looking forward to about convention this year, and give us their perspectives on the future of agriculture, and how Millennials and Gen Z can work together to ensure success for our industry. Tune in to listen to these very impressive young people talk about our favorite topic: agriculture.

This week, Ruby Uhart, a rancher (among many other things like mom, blogger, teacher!) joins Katharine and Valene to discuss how important it is to give ourselves grace, being ok with failure and how to learn from it, and how agriculture has been victims of perfectionism long before social media was popular. She talks about a popular phrase in her family, “It’ll all buff out” and how to apply it to life. She shares how to overcome some of those tough mental places, and has a great perspective on how we need to shift our thinking from “sustainable” to “regenerative”. Tune in to Episode 009 to hear more from Ruby!

There's more to the story than what the headline tells you. This week, Valene and Katharine, take a look at what happens when headlines cause outrage and division in agriculture. They discuss what USDA Secretary Perdue really said at the World Dairy Expo, how his words were misconstrued, why this matters to agriculture, and what can be done to avoid jumping to conclusions.

This week, Millennial Ag is delighted to welcome Laurie Lickley, an agricultural industry leader, Idaho state representative, and most importantly, Valene's mom.

This week, Katharine and Valene examine whether old mindsets have kept agriculture stuck in self-limiting loops.

Kara Smith joins Millennial Ag this week to talk marketing, working in the ag industry as a producer and a consultant, and what it's like to be a millennial in ag. Tune in to learn about her unique business model and how telling her story and being vulnerable can make a difference in the industry. (photo credit to For the West and Wild Photography). E-mail your questions and comments to [email protected].

Episode 003 discussed what the industry did to move beyond the Beef Backlash. This week we share how we have been advocates for agriculture in our communities and provide ideas on how to advocate for agriculture beyond social media story telling. E-mail your questions and comments to [email protected].

Governor Polis served the Colorado Department of Agriculture with Impossible Burger which caused an uproar in the beef industry. Listen to this weeks episode to see how the industry went beyond the beef backlash.

On Part 2 of Agriculture Civil War, we focus on the division we see within individual industries. We dive into the divisions we personally have experienced and witnessed between the big and small operations; and the organic, natural and conventional markets.