R. Nelson Nash is the founder of the Infinite Banking Concept, a tool used to provide financing outside of commercial banks. Nelson joined me shortly before his death. We talked about the deep history of financial collapse in our country. Our discussion mostly centers on the creation of the Federal Reserve and how it has been used to finance wars and steal wealth from the public. For more information on how you can secede from this system please download the companion episode at workingcows.net/93. Show notes for today workingcows.net/92.
Bart Davidson joined me to talk about how ranchers and graziers can make better decisions if the data they are already collecting is returned to them in a meaningful way. We talk about how Maia grazing is providing that kind of information to ranchers and graziers of all sizes. We also discuss the improtance of making the most of good years and failing fast to learn fast.
Dallas Mount, Extension Educator for the University of Wyoming and instructor for the final class of the High Plains Ranch Practicum joined me ahead of the June 26th launch of the class. We discuss profitability targets for the 2018 calf crop and how you could use them to inform the decisions you are still making about the 2019 calf crop.
Dalmas Tiampati of the Maasai Center for Regenerative Pastoralism of Kenya joined me to discuss the history of Maasai Pastoralism, the effects of colonialism, as well as his hopes, dreams, and definition of success for his people. We talk about how Dalmas plans to use Holistic Management to regenerate land, livestock, and his communities through ancient pastoralist practices.
Brian Alexander, Custom Grazier, Prescribed Burner, and Wildfire Survivor joined me to discuss his experiences at the Grass Fed Exchange as well as some new ideas he as a result of attending. We talk about the business opportunities presented by strip grazing and about how he went about making the decision to give this expirement a shot.
Bob Kinford joins me to discuss the American Prairie Reserve and his perspective on their misguided ambitions. We also talk about how Bob would use Migratory Grazing to accomplish the regeneration of the landscapes.
Glen Jensen a veterinarian with Emery Animal Health in Castle Dale, UT joined me to discuss the current state of bull breeding soundness exams and what we can do to improve their accuracy. We discuss the importance of morphological and motile soundness in sperm cells as well as ways to help standardize the process of determining the breeding soundness of seedstock industry wide. Sponsor:HPRanchPracticum.comGuest's Website:EmeryAnimalHealth.comGuest's Article:Who pays the piper? The hidden losses of subfertile bullsWebsite Mentioned:IntegrisCattle.com
Cody Creelman, Cow Vet, from Airdrie, Alberta, Canada joins me to talk about different ways of handling and thinking about the task of castration. We discuss regional strategies as well as some out of the box tactics people are using to realize some unexpected gains.Leave WCP a Voicemail:(605)549-5401Guest's Vlog:<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/l6s_w8XzrwA" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>Keep up with Cody:FacebookYouTubeTwitterSnapchatvahs.netIntro Voice Over:H/T: Jim ThompsonIntro Music:H/T: Luke Dowler
John Coleman Locke of the Locke Division of the J.D. Hudgins ranch joined me to discuss their transition to and implementation of mob grazing to improve their resource base. We talk about his influences like Dave Pratt, Dallas Mount, and Ian Mitchell-Innes. We also discuss how much of a paradigm challenge it is for a seed stock operation to employ these techniques. Be sure to tune in to their bull sale on Tuesday, April 16th, 2019 to see how your business might be improved by some Bos Indicus genetics.
Kelly Sidoryk is an Holistic Management Educator based out of Blackroot, AB, CA. She has a wealth of experience and knowledge in helping families develop the shared vision that will facilitate smooth management and asset transition in their succession planning an execution process. I so appreciate Kelly's heart to help people develop businesses that are not only economically and ecologically sustainable but also sustainable on the human resources front.