I had the opportunity to tour Dave and his family’s operation. Specifically, we had a chance to see the layout of their winter feeding strategy with an eye toward how they are being intentional about getting the nutrients back on to the field in the evenest way possible. In this episode, we discuss their winter...

In this episode, I talk to Melinda Sims about winter windrow grazing. We talk about the definition of windrow grazing as well as some of the benefits and challenges of this practice. Sponsors: CammackRanchSupply.com ChrisWilliamsAudio.com Guests’ Website: SimsCattleCompany.com Guests’ Facebook: Sims Cattle Company Resources Mentioned: Intro Voice Over: H/T: Jim Thompson Intro Music: H/T: Luke...

In this episode, we look at the Four Pillars of a Ranching Operation with Dallas Mount. As part of our discussion, we cover common roadblocks and leverage points to increase profitability. Sponsor Cammack Ranch Supply Books Discussed Healthy Land, Happy Families, Profitable Businesses Further Study Chip Hines Burke Teichert Intro Voice Over: H/T: Jim Thompson...

In this episode, I discuss the Infinite Banking Concept with Mary Jo Irmen. These concepts are discussed in Mary Jo’s book Farming without the Bank. Sponsor Cammack Ranch Supply Blog Post Mentioned Generational Wealth Podcast Mentioned ContraKrugman Books Discussed Farming without the Bank Wealth without the Bank or Wall Street Infinite Banking Concepts (Titled Becoming Your...

Howdy! Welcome to the Working Cows Podcast! In this first episode, I discuss my reasons for starting this podcast, my present involvement in the ranching industry, and the format of this podcast. Intro Voice Over: H/T: Jim Thompson Intro Music: H/T: Luke Dowler