Chad Conard is an engineer and rancher from Colorado. He joined me to discuss his process for training bulls to his style of stockmanship. We also discuss his approach to the bulls as well as how these practices can help us answer the questions of the #meatout crowd.
Aaron Berger, a UNL Beef Educator and host of the BeefWatch Podcast, joined me once again to discuss supplementation strategy. We talk about how to find the best supplements in your region, when to supplement as well as different ways to think about delivering those supplements.
Wayne Knight, Interim Executive Director for Holistic Management International, joined me to talk about the practical impacts holistic management has had on his land, his family, his community, and his finances. We talk about selecting the right animals and measuring the right outcomes to facilitate better decision making. We also touch on how holistic goal setting facilitate a resolution to a difficult situation.
Dallas Mount, CEO of Ranch Management Consultants, joined me to discuss The Grazing Principles as taught at the Ranching for Profit school. We talked about stock density, herd effect, recovery period, and even answered some question from the Working Cows Microbiome.Sponsor:Field Work Talk
Daniel Griffith drawing on life in his Wildland the acclaimed author and poet, emergent conservationist, and Savory Institute Hub Leader, Educator, and Consultant provides a poetic portrait of the powers, magic, and rich abundance harvested by learning the language of connection and the restorative powers of Relationship.
Ken Charfauros, a local meat processor and entrepreneur, joined me to discuss his three phase vision for expanding the local meat processing capacity in Western South Dakota. We discussed his desire to see the return of the local butcher and his desire to educate people capable of producing a consistent and quality meat product regardless of species.
David Kleinschmidt is an educator and consultant with Understanding Ag. He joined me to discuss the Law of the Maximum and the Law of the Return as an alternative to Liebig's Barrel or the Law of the Minimum. We talk about what we should measure and how we should think about how we can influence the results of those tests.
Brian Alexander, AKA Red Hills Rancher, and CK Wisniewski joined me to discuss the launch of their new "Ranching Reboot" podcast in partnership with PastureMap. The Ranching Reboot podcast will focus on the stories of those doing unique things in ranching and give them an opportunity to share and pay forward the lessons they have learned.
Hadley Hill is a ranch manager at Askin Land and Livestock near Lusk, WY. He has had an unconventional history as it relates to ranching. He joined my wife and I to detail that history and some of his key takeaways from the different contexts in which he has worked.
My wife, Miranda Conry, and I sat down each night during Ranching for Profit and captured our thoughts about the day, what surprised us, what we learned, and how people in the class influenced us. This episode closes out with some reactions from our fellow class members.