Happy Thanksgiving week folks! Today is Part 4 and our final installment of our November series talking about men's mental health. Today, we speak with long time supporter of the show and friend Bryan Moes. Bryan is a farmer/feeder from Northeast South Dakota. We talk to Bryan about what it's like being a father on the farm, working alongside your father in a generational operation, and a bit about his business model. Bryan has been one of the top supporters of this podcast and I am grateful I can share his story with all of you.

Greetings and welcome to part 3 of our November series featuring men's mental health. Today, we speak with my friend Matt Niswander. Matt has found the sweet spot of where agriculture and medicine intersect. Matt is a Family Nurse Practitioner in Lawrenceburg, Tennessee. He recently opened up his own clinic to serve that rural community. Matt is also a first generation farmer. He has an incredible story of how he learned to farm from YouTube. He now raises cattle for direct to consumer sales with his wife and 3 children. As remarkable as all of that is, it's nothing compared to the story of how Matt overcame poverty and being raised in a less than ideal home. You guys will not want to miss this episode!! https://agstateofmind.com/2020/11/15/ag-state-of-mind-ep-60-matt-niswander/

Part Two of our November series focusing on men's mental health. Today, we speak to Allan Kehler of Saskatchewan, Canada. Allan was introduced to me by previous guest and friend Lesley Kelly. Allan has an incredible story of perseverance and resilience through adversity. We talk about his journey to sobriety, the struggles with maintaining and being accepted with that sobriety, and his mission to break the tough guy stigma surrounding mental health in men. Speaking to Allan is like talking to an old friend and I'm proud that I am able to share it with the ASOM audience!https://agstateofmind.com/2020/11/08/asom-ep-59-allan-kehler/

Greetings and welcome to our November theme focusing on Men's Health. Really excited for this month. Today, we speak to long time friend of the show Henry Roberts. Henry is retired Air Force as well as a retired firefighter. He has now focused his passion on mental health and being an advocate in that space. We talk about his history, his own battles with his mental health, and how he was able to get back where he wanted to be. We then talk about his advocacy and his blog that focuses on both agriculture advocacy and mental health. It was great to talk to Henry as he has been possibly the biggest supporter of this show. Check out more at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/11/01/ag-state-of-mind-ep-58-henry-roberts/

As some of you are aware, November is Men's Health Awareness month. Often times, this month is focused on physical health issues such as prostate cancer. I want to take it a step further and shift the focus of this month to men's mental health. I plan to speak to several men throughout this month to help start a more meaningful conversation around men's mental health. Today's episode is kind of a kick off for our series. Chelsea Hanson and I have been friends through social media for serveral months now. It's been a pleasure to follow along with her family's farm operation in Southern Minnesota. Recently, Chelsea reached out to me and wanted to have a discussion around the importance of males and that we need make sure our men know how important they are to families and to farms. I am very thankful for Chelsea reaching out for this conversation as it is something that I have been wanting to talk about for quite sometime now. I feel like the perspective surrounding men's health and its importance is very powerful coming from a woman. Men make sure you listen to this episode and ladies make sure you tell the men in your life about it! Find more out at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/10/25/asom-ep-57-chelsea-hanson-sass-lake-farms/

Today is a unique episode of the podcast...and if I'm being honest, it's a tad bit selfish. Megan Teerlink hosts my new favorite podcast, Getting Mindful with Megan. She takes an unique approach to mindfulness, intentionality, and self improvement by drawing from her life as a yoga practitioner as well as her own faith in Jesus. Megan's podcast and coaching has been a blessing to our family as you will find out in the podcast. I'm so excited for you guys to find out more about Megan. Find out more about Megan and a few of the things we talk about at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/10/18/asom-ep-56-megan-teerlink-getting-mindful-with-megan/

It is my belief that the mental health of students during the COVID-19 pandemic has not gotten the proper attention. We are trying to do our part here at ASOM to remedy that. Emma Rose Ploch is a student at the University of Missouri and is founder of the Ag Advocacy page Found in the Field. Today, we spend some time talking about why she went into agriculture school and how she has found her passion for ag advocacy. We then talk to her about her unique experience as a college student during the COVID-19 pandemic and how she has had to adjust to all of the different stresses that have come her way. Find more at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/10/11/asom-ep-55-emma-rose-ploch/

For lots of us, money is a point of great stress. We are always seeming to chase the dollar thinking that more money equals a better life. Our guest today challenges that a bit. Austin Black is a financial coach with a passion for helping those invovled in agriculture. Today, we chat with Austin about his services and how by changing our relationship with money, we can become happier and more ready to deal with financial stress. A great conversation. I want to also take this opportunity to let everyone know about Ag Mental Health Week. Some of my friends have put together a discussion that will be taking place all across social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram) October 10-16. Just search #AgMentalHealthWeek across all the platforms to be a part of the conversation. https://agstateofmind.com/2020/10/04/asom-ep-54-austin-black-freedom-financial-coaching/

It’s Episode No. 53 and Happy 1 year anniversary to the Ag State of Mind Podcast. We are so thankful to everyone who has joined along in this journey over the past year. It is our goal over the next year to continue to bring the best content we can to the table of health in agriculture. Today, we return to speaking about the world of dairy farming and how the current ag climate is affecting dairy producers. Our guest is Dr. Amanda Stone, Assistant Professor from Mississippi State Extension. Amanda works with dairy farmers in the state of Mississippi. We connected through our friends at Agri-Safe. We talk about her background and how she ended up at MSU. Then we talk about how dairy is often misunderstood and how “animal activists” are affecting the dairy industry. We also chat about the misrepresentation of dairy in a healthy diet. We finish by chatting about her mental health first aid training which will be linked below. Great chat with my new friend Amanda! Find out more at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/09/27/asom-ep-53-is-now-live/

I always love when a farm kid goes to school, pursues a career, then uses that career to help out farmers. Monica Kramer McCojkey is a farm kid turned counselor who has returned to her roots helping out farmers in times of need. We talk about her upbringing and her journey to wanting to get back to address the issues facing farmers and farm families. We also chat a bit about how COVID has affected farm familes. Great Conversation! For links, go to our show notes page at https://agstateofmind.com/2020/09/21/asom-monica-kramer-mckonkey/