Veterinarians have a special place in my heart for lots of reasons. What some may know is I planned for a lot of years to be a veterinarian. But more so is the fact that I have relied for years on the expertise of vets to aid me in my cattle operation. My guest today is one of the best spokespersons for vets everywhere. Marissa Hake aka Calf Vet is a great advocate for both agriculture and veterinary medicine. We chat today about her journey as a vet. We then spend a good time talking about the mental health of vets and how that is affecting the profession. As livestock producers, I feel like we need to pay special attention to the mental health of our vet doctors. They are such integral parts of our operations. Find Marissa online at Here

Solo Episode today. There was an Instagram post a few months back where I did an introduction to new followers. In that intro, I included that I worked 40 hours a week as a pharmacist. You wouldn't believe how surprised I was to find out that many people who I interacted with often did not know that about me. I decided that I should make it a priority to include some professional information in the podcast. Today, I'm talking about how medications can be a very valuable tool in our mental health toolkit. I have taken anxiety medication since 2013 and it has been very important to me becoming a better version of myself. I share my journey with meds and how my mindset has shifted around that.

Tammy Thielman is the owner of Town and Country Counseling in British Columbia. Tammy is a Registered Masters-Level Social Worker and Certified EMDR Therapist (EMDR-CT) who offers client-centered, holistic, compassionate support to children, youth, adults, and families. We talk to day about her unique approach to mental health care. We chat a bit about how we never consider how important it is for the provider to be comfortable in their practice. That is what Town & Country is all about. Providing a tranquil atmosphere for both provider and patient to maximize therapy. Find Tammy and T&C online at https://www.townandcountrycounselling.com/

I’ve mentioned in previous episodes about my fascination with the Enneagram. It’s been very helpful in me being more self aware and in helping my marriage. Terryn Drieling is a self proclaimed Enneagram Nerd. She and her family live and work on a large ranch in the Sandhills of Nebraska. We talk about the Enneagram and how it can be helpful in our own personal development and in how we interact in relationships. Terryn will soon be launching a podcast of her own which is diving even deeper into the Enneagram and how it can serve rural women in their lives. Find Terryn online at https://faithfamilyandbeef.com/

Happy Easter! Some may have noticed my absence from social media this past week. In honor of Holy Week, I wanted to take the opportunity to make sacrifice in my life. That sacrifice was social media. I talk today about why I made the decision, and how it has impacted me this week. I love social media and love all the friends I have made as a result of being active on social media. However, I believe that a break from it all can be a great reset in our lives and an excellent, simple tactic to better mental health.

Pharmacists are among some of the most accessible health care professionals, especially in a rural community. They are the place where so many who cannot get into a doctor come to for immediate help. My guest today, Rebecca Henry, knows this connection all too well. Rebecca, like me, is a cattle producer and a pharmacist in a rural community. Her and her husband live outside of Moulton, Alabama. We talk about the health challenges that are facing rural America, and how a pharmacist can play an integral role in patients getting the help they need. We also spend a bit of time talking about what it’s like to have multiple passions going at once. Find more about Rebecca and her operation at https://hardinfarms.com/

Over the past couple of years, lots of things have changed around our home operation. One of the biggest things to change is how we handle our cattle when it comes time to work them. By instilling a few different tactics and attitudes, we have made working cattle a more positive, less stressful event at our place.

Earlier this month, I was asked by MOST Policy Initiative to share my perspective and personal story on rural and ag mental health on a briefing to those involved in policy decisions at the Missouri state level. I shared my perspective on the three big pillars which are inhibiting access to rural mental health care: stigma, lack of mental health care providers, and sub par internet access in rural areas. I also discuss solutions to each of these issues. I want to thank Dr. Rachel Owen and Dr. Eleni Bickell with MOST for allowing me this opportunity to speak to those who make important policy decisions in our state. Also thanks to Dr. Michael Rosemann and Professor Kathy Dothage for sharing this panel with me. As I said in my talk, I am a proud rural Missourian and I want to see our state thrive. To find out more about this panel and MOST policy initiative go to https://mostpolicyinitiative.org/mental-health-services-for-farmers-briefing/

Today's episode is not necessarily related to my farm or cattle operation but my relationship with money. I watched stories from Megan Teerlink this week and she expounded on an experience she had at Costco this week. We are always chasing money just to spend it as fast as it comes to us. What if there was another option. What if we created a new energy around money that we don't have to spend it as soon as we get it. Becoming more intentional with our money will help us create a more abundant mindset around it. Find more at https://agstateofmind.com/?p=1566

Susan Harris is an extension educator with the University of Nebraska - Lincoln. She specializes in rural health wellness and safety. Susan was actually guest on episode number four of the podcast where at the end of that episode we talked a little bit about the importance of sleep. Today we take a bit of a deeper dive into sleep and how it is important for us to pay attention to our sleep. Sleep should no longer be seen as a luxury but as a necessity. One edit here that I wanted to make sure to list. Around 5 minutes in to the interview Susan says that sleep is an umbrella that controls a number of health conditions. She spoke to me after we recorded and wanted to correct herself. What she intended to say is that sleep can protect against these negative health consequences. Susan is an incredible woman and I am so thankful for her long time support of the podcast. To find Susan online go to https://epd.unl.edu/profile/sharris-broomfield2