Today we go to Kentucky to talk to Danielle Hayden. Danielle lives on her family's cattle and poultry operation in the Ohio Valley Region of Kentucky. This past year, Danielle had a whirlwind of events come her way. First, she found out she was pregnant. Second, she was diagnosed with Alpha-gal Syndrome... the tick and red meat disease. I thought her story was incredibly applicable to our audience as this is something I am seeing occur quite a bit more frequently. I'm excited to announce that since recording this episode, Danielle and her husband Daniel welcomed their baby boy Laramie Ezra Hayden to the world. Find Danielle on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/haydanib/ . Find her family's farm at https://www.haydenfarms.org/

Today we speak to Kacee Bohle, founder of the Corn Belt Cadence. The Corn Belt Cadence is a network for those in the agriculture industry who want to share knowledge, passion, encouragement, and guidance with each other regardless of experience, age, or location. We chat a little bit about online communities, being our own worst critic, and about the Enneagram. I'm super excited for you guys to hear from Kacee.

Addie Yoder is a farm wife, mom, coach, and podcaster fromNorthern Missouri. Her podcast . Grace and Growth with Addie focuses on personal growth and the challenges that can come from it. We connected over a quote which she shared from Brene Brown that focuses on the importance of rest in play in a busy industry like agriculture. Addie is a wealth of knowledge and I am proud to have her as guest on episode 100 of the ag state of mind podcast≥. Find her at https://www.addieyoder.com/

Today we go up the the great state of Minnesota and talk with my friend Kennedy Haney. Kennedy and I have connected over at clubhouse and she is a wealth of information when it comes to all things nutrition. We chat a bit today about her life in transitioning into life living on a fourth generation dairy farm. We then chat a bit about eating disorders and how that can look different for different people. It was such a pleasure to speak with Kennedy! Go check her out https://www.instagram.com/the.dugout.dietitian/

Back for Part 2 of our chat with Michael DeSa of the Vets in Ag Podcast. I want to begin with an apology for the abrupt ending of last week's episode. Breaking one interview into multiple episodes is a new thing for me and editing is a learning curve. I should've ended with some explanation. I appreciate the continued support of this podcast and appreciate the grace given as I continue to learn how to best produce a podcast. We conclude our conversation with Michael by him talking to me about my podcast. How it started and how it has been a form of therapy for me. We then talk about how agriculture is a form of therapy to those who return from service. Please go follow and subscribe to Mike's podcast. Look for him and I to continue to work together on projects. Find Mike and his company at https://agdconsult.com/

Today we kick off August just a little bit different with a 2 part interview with my friend Michael DeSa of the Vets in Ag podcast. In part one we talk about Mike’s beginnings. How he did not grow up in ag and how his interest was piqued while studying at Texas A& M. Then we chat about his military career and how the lessons learned from service are so applicable to agriculture and the lifestyle within. Next week we go a little deeper and it the tables turned a bit to where Mike began impromptu interviewing me. A really cool episode with an incredible guy. Go check out his work and find his podcast at https://agdconsult.com/

Today we change it up just a bit. We are going into the world of equestrian and talking to Sara Yarger. Sara came to me from my good friend Forrest Rackham who had mentioned seeing some of Sara’s work on his alma mater’s LinkedIn. We spoke about her work with Magna Halter and how it has been helpful to those with physical limitations who still want to be involved with horses. We then chat a bit a bout 4-H and it’s impact on each of us and what county fairs mean to us. Find Sara’s work with Magna halter at https://magnahalter.com/

Solo Episode reflecting on this year's county fair. Even though we were disappointed with the results of the show, we are proud that we are able to be true to who we are as a cattle operation.

Solo Episode reflecting on this year's county fair. Even though we were disappointed with the results of the show, we are proud that we are able to be true to who we are as a cattle operation.

Today I speak with Shelbie Powell and Brittney Schrick about the Southwest Ag Center. The Southwest Center for Agricultural Health, Injury Prevention and Education (Southwest Ag Center or SW Ag Center) was created in late 1995 at The University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler to serve Arkansas, Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas as part of a program initiative of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The initiative established a network of centers, funded on a competitive basis, to conduct programs of research, prevention, intervention, education and outreach designed to reduce occupational injuries and diseases among agricultural workers and their families. We talk today about how mental health is being worked in to these initiatives on health and safety. To find more about SWAG Center go to https://www.uthct.edu/southwest-center-for-agricultural-health-injury-prevention-and-education-2/