I often think of things as a purist. I think that if someone is giving me valuable information that I should take it 100 percent to heart. If I don't, then I view myself as a failure. I came to the realization just recently that this frame of thinking just isn't correct. We can take even small pieces of the good information that we hear and apply it to ourlives and view it as a success. If we define success for ourselves then success is inevitable. More at https://agstateofmind.com/?p=1556

Today we welcome back Kiah Twisselman. If you’re following along with the podcast we were introduced to Kiah on episode 38 of ASOM. She shared there her remarkable journey of losing over 100 lbs with no fad diets, no gym membership and no surgery! Just plain ok’d determination and mindset!! She returns today to discuss diet culture and how it often falls flat. We also talk a little bit about goals and mindset around them. It was so great to chat with Kiah again! To find Kiah online check her website out at https://www.coachkiah.com/

I had an experience changing out a busted pipe at one of my farms last weekend. I traditionally have not been a very good DIY guy. When something like this happens, I usually hire someone to come out and fix whatever issue I have. But something has changed in me over the last several years. I have found that I owe it to myself to take some responsibility and do the things that may scare me a bit. Being a lifelong learner is about humbling yourself and swallowing your pride. When you make a commitment to being a lifelong learner you are able to accomplish things you had previously written off. In this episode, I talk about the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. Find that book on Amazon here.

Greetings and welcome to the Diamond episode of the Ag State of Mind Podcast. Thanks to everyone for an incredible run of episodes. Going Solo today to chat about Internal Vs. External validation. We worry so much about the validation from people outside of ourselves, but do we worry about the opinion we have of ourselves enough? If we aren't happy with ourselves, then no one else's opinions will matter. Special shout out to my coach Marinda Burt for the inspiration behind this message. Go check her out on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/marindaburtcoaching/

It's February so that means it's time for our county fair steer projects to begin. This year is a bit different for us because we have 2 kids showing steers instead of just one. I talk today about what the county fair means to us and a little bit about the process.

Pain is something that nearly everyone has experienced. Being involved in agriculture, often times this pain can be amplified. We are often times taught to hide or mask the pain when we instead should be taking measures to do something about it. Today we welcome back Tara Haskins from Agrisafe. We were introduced to Tara on episode 44 of the podcast. Agrisafe has an upcoming webinar that is focusing on talking to farmers about their pain. We then talk more in depth about pain and specifically about opioids and how they can affect us. You can find the link to that webinar here

Greetings. Welcome to Beef Tips Volume 1. This is a new venture that I am trying out to hopefully reach a different audience with Ag State of Mind. I'm going to be focusing on the lessons I have learned on my cattle operation. Today, I'm focusing on my decision to move my calving season back until April. It has been a huge help in managing stress on our farm. I hope you all enjoy this. Please send me a DM on my social media pages to let me know what you think.

Happy Valentines today. I've made it no secret how I am interested and trying to be involved in regenerative ranching. I've found that it is the most enjoyable and economical way for me to raise my cattle and for me to be kind to the Earth. My guest today is a huge influence in my regenerative journey. Brian Alexander, The Red Hills Rancher, does some incredible, influential things on his ranch in Kansas. We talk to him today about his journey and how regenerative grazing has benefited his operation. We also chat about his new podcast which launches Feb 15. Ranching Reboot will be Conversations in land stewardship with some of today's most innovative ranchers and producers. It gives us Ideas outside the mainstream of Ranching. I'm really excited to introduce Brian and his new podcast to you guys. For more, go to https://agstateofmind.com/2021/02/14/ag-state-of-mind-ep-73---brian-alexander

n our lives and our businesses, we often find ourselves making decisions based on emotion when we should be making those decisions based on hard evidence. What if there was someone out there who could help you work through those emotions to help you make the best decision. Whitney Kinne is a leadership and career coach who helps her clients do just that. We chat today about all of the hard decisions that need to be made in our careers and how having a neutral party in these aforementioned situations can help make those decisions a bit simpler. Whitney has a significant background in agriculture with both of her parents involved with youth in agriculture as she was growing up. Whitney also for a time worked with the Missouri Beef Council as well as the University of Missouri College of Agriculture. She now resides in her childhood home outside of Clinton, Missouri with her husband and two children. Whitney and I had a fascinating conversation and I am excited for you guys to hear it. I have a strong feeling that Whitney will be back on the podcast someday. Find all the links for Whitney at https://agstateofmind.com/2021/02/07/asom-ep-72-whitney-kinne/

Extreme focus on fitness and being involved in agriculture have not always gone hand in hand. I find that odd. However, there are several in the agriculture world who are doing their best to break that. Sami Bolen is a wife, mother, rancher, MU extension agent, among other things living in Southwest Missouri. She has an incredible passion for fitness that goes hand in hand with her passion for farming. We chat a bit about her journey and how she has taken steps to keep herself as fit as possible. The highlight of the podcast to me is Sami's why behind being as fit as possible. She says she wants to be farming for as long as possible. She wants to be farming alongside as many generations as she can. See she gets it. We all need a why behind our fitness to make sure we are successful. Find links at https://agstateofmind.com/2021/01/31/ag-state-of-mind-episode-71-sami-bolen/